Hero's Journey Correction #32

"The hero of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey can get the boon in two main ways: It’s given to him by divine forces. If that happens then they’ll be there to help him with his return. Divine/demonic forces don’t want to hand it over, so he has to take it by force. In order to make the return, he has to escape them."

It is better to look at the boon as an intangible capacity which is the result of the journey through the new world/state. The intangible is associated with a tangible. These are simultaneously given and held back by various archetypes.

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Hero's Journey Correction #31

"The Call To Adventure is about the call to be or to do."

It is about a number of things, but at the core it is about the encouragement to exit the Ordinary World and State.

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Hero's Journey Correction #30

"Can only certain people be “heroes?"

Again, it's about performing certain functions and undergoing the process of change. This applies to everyone. For example, everyone has an Ordinary State. Alvie (Annie Hall) is as much of a hero as Superman.

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Hero's Journey Correction #29

"Can only certain people be “heroes”?"

It's not about being a type. It's about performing certain functions. For example, exiting your ordinary state. 

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Hero's Journey Correction #28

"The Belly of the Whale is the Hero's lowest point."

No. This is just the point where there is a drive to a deeper world and self and the push toward it.

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Hero's Journey Correction #27

"The Hero then pursues his calling with unshakable conviction and zeal."

Not necessarily true. There are many instances where the calling is not recognised at all. And not pursued with zeal. This is the Unwilling Hero. This is the Unknowing Hero. This is the Forced Hero.

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Hero's Journey Correction #26

"You can understand hero's journey by reading Vogler or Campbell."

Their interpretations are hugely simplified.

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Hero's Journey Correction #25

 "The Belly of the Whale represents the final separation from the hero's Ordinary World and old self."

Absolutely not. In fact, there is still a long way to go."

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Hero's Journey Correction #24

"Hero's Journey is a myth paradigm. It is good if you want to write myth type stories."

We have deconstructed all the Academy Award Best Films on the main page, illustrating that the paradigm is more universal.

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Hero's Journey Correction #23

"Sometimes the hero must escape with the boon, if it is something that the gods have been jealously guarding. It can be just as adventurous and dangerous returning from the journey as it was to go on it."

What you're doing is escaping the New World with the boon, which are the gifts that are the result of traversing through it.

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Hero's Journey Correction #22

"Refusal of the Return: Having found bliss and enlightenment in the other world, the hero may not want to return to the ordinary world to bestow the boon onto his fellow man."

It's really about not wanting to return to the monster's cave.

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Hero's Journey Correction #21

"The road of trials is a series of tests, tasks, or ordeals that the person must undergo to begin the transformation."

The transformation begins much sooner than this.

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Hero's Journey Correction #20

"The Belly of The Whale follows the Crossing of the First Threshold"

ALOT happens between these two points.

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Hero's Journey Correction #19

"He then encounters a Meeting with the Goddess, who represents a protective and maternal figure."

She's actually just a measure of an elixir, which cannot initially be obtained. Goddess is not the best word.

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Hero's Journey Correction #18

"He will have to pass a Road of Trials that will aim at testing his courage, his determination, and the virtues relative to his quest."

The function is to pull the hero away from the old self.

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Hero's Journey Correction #17

"He can then go cross the First Threshold, thus marking his entry in the supernatural world."

It's a new world or state. It only seems supernatural because it is new and not experienced before.

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Hero's Journey Correction #16

"Some heroes remain in a state of bliss for all eternity."

Actually, they don't. They go to sleep or disappear (departure function) until the cycle repeats.

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Hero's Journey Correction #15

"At the boon, the hero's reached such a high state of consciousness..."

It's really got nothing to do with consciousness. It's just a manifestation of change and new way of thinking that is the result of passage through the new world and state.

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Hero's Journey Correction #14

"The ease with which the hero gets the boon. He becomes one of the “elect” who’s knows what life is really about and thus can’t be held back from the boon by anything or anyone."

The boon is simply a benchmark. What couldn't be achieved before becomes achievable.

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Hero's Journey Correction #13

"Once the hero has achieved apotheosis and has been exposed to eternity, his trials are over."

Eternity has nothing to do with it.

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Hero's Journey Correction #12

"Once the hero has achieved apotheosis and has been exposed to eternity, his trials are over."

No. There are more trials to come.

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Hero's Journey Correction #11

"The boon that the hero receives is the knowledge of the Indestructible Body, often represented in myths as food, drink, or fire with magical powers or that’s never finished and always renews itself."

The boon is simply a reference to the in/tangible gifts pulled out of the New World as a result of journey through it.

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Hero's Journey Correction #10

"If you go back to Campbell you'll see that he was pretty selective about the stories he made his generalisations from."

Campbell identified some of the elements. Others identified other elements before him. We have identified other elements since. There has never been a need to be selective. We can look at any successful movie and show you that the pattern is followed and that the elements exist.

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Hero's Journey Correction #9

"Hero's Journey is great if you want to tell particular kinds of story that Hollywood loves."

The 2000+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State paradigm applies to all stories. Not just Hollywood. Change and the Gaining of Capacities, for example, are universals. We've deconstructed all the Academy Award Winning Best Films on the website to demonstrate.

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Hero's Journey Correction #8

"Once the hero on Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey has the boon, whether it was dropped into his lap or he had to get it through trickery and courage, he has two choices. He can party for eternity in a state of nirvana or he can “pay it forward” by returning to the world he came from to help others. The “refusal” is really the choice to remain in a state of bliss and let others struggle through their own journeys without his help."

Refusal is nothing of the sort. Refusal is the unwillingness to return to the monster's cave. And the unwillingness to become a mature self.

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Hero's Journey Correction #7

"The Hero's Journey is so universal because it taps into the subconscious and human psyche."

The Hero's Journey is so universal because it taps into fundamental story functions, some of which MUST be performed to create story and others which tend to be performed for story potency.

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Hero's Journey Correction #6

"studying hero myths from around the world, Campbell noticed a distinct pattern. It didn’t matter where or when a particular myth was created; the world’s hero stories were all strikingly similar to one another."

Not just hero stories, but ALL stories. The hero is simply one archetype. The process applies to ensembles too.

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Hero's Journey Correction #5

"studying hero myths from around the world, Campbell noticed a distinct pattern. It didn’t matter where or when a particular myth was created; the world’s hero stories were all strikingly similar to one another."

Joseph Campbell wasn't the first to notice a consistent story pattern. Lots of writers before him noticed it, including William Shakespeare. This is evident by analysing stories written before Campbell's time.

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Hero's Journey Correction #4

"Hero's Journey begins with the Ordinary World"

Sometimes, but not necessarily. Often, there is a distinct process leading into the Ordinary World, which may or may not involve Inciting Incidents, Minor Threshold Guardians and Supernatural Aids etc.

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Hero's Journey Correction #3

"A 'hero's Journey' is that of the main character"

It's a series of functions, which can be distributed among characters. So it also applies to ensembles.

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Hero's Journey Correction #2

"Bad guys and villains are not heroes and so do not follow the hero's journey."

Bad guys and villains are just hero archetypes / archetypes, which does not exclude them from following the hero's journey.

The hero's journey should be viewed as a set of functions, and all archetypes may perform any or all of these functions.

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Hero's Journey Correction #1

"In Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, the hero who unites with his father experiences maturity and rebirth, if he passes his father's tests."

The father is a metaphor. So he may or may not be one of your archetypes.

The father doesn't have to assign tests.

The father is a metaphor for frames of references, guiding forces, limitations and similar. What you're doing is transcending those.

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